KD Australian Whites
About the Breed
At KD Sheep Studs we don’t shear shedding rams that we put up for sale. Purchasers can be confident that what they buy will look the same in 12 month’s time.
The Australian White is a stabilized composite breed, created from genetics of the White Dorper, Van Rooy, Poll Dorset and Texel breeds.
KD introduced the Australian Whites into our shedding composite bloodline to evaluate the breed in 2013. We found that they enhanced the sound feet structure and there is an increasing tendency of black hooved progeny that are showing minimal hoof growth that are handling wetter conditions. There is a distinct placidness in the breed that is evident. They are a shedding hair breed vs the shedding wool type of the Dorpers. The AW progeny are born with a thick hair coat, the result being minimal lamb loss in wet, windy and cold conditions.
In 2014 we purchased full blood Australian White ram ($5000) and ewes and 2 rams from Tattykeel AW Stud in 2016 for $4000 and $5000. In 2017 another two sires were purchased and in 2021 we paid $23,000 for a sire bred by Gamadale stud.
We commenced to build numbers of full blood AW via embryo transfer and as at 2022 we have increased to 150 top quality full blood AW ewes.
The emphasis in our breeding will always be early shedding, growth, constitution and an open breeding season of ewes.

Why use KD Australian Whites
- Non shearing/crutching
- Good feet structure
- Naturally well muscled
- High yielding carcasses
- Minimal external parasites
- Early maturing
- Early weaning
- Drought tolerant
- Ewes lamb at 12 months old
- Easy lambing
- Maternal/terminal breed
- 3 lambings in 2 years
- Ewes mate while lactating
- Hairy birth coat on lambs
- avoid disappointing wool prices!